Monday, January 9, 2017

Ticket Prices

Due to a miscommunication with the venue, tickets were available for an incorrect (and cheaper) price. The ticket prices on our website, our facebook page and our press release were the prices we intended to charge. The text of Sonorous Road's website was correct too. But the wrong information was input into ticket leap. As a consequence, some people got a discount. So congratulations! You saved some money! Some press reports also took the price from the website and reported it incorrectly, so we honored the discount for tickets sold at the door Friday night (we made all tickets $10 on Sunday anyway because of the weather).

SO - The correct prices for tickets are:

$20 for general admission
$16 for students/seniors

Which leads us to a natural question: why? Our general admission prices have been going up steadily from $15 for our first show, Copenhagen to now. Why are we charging more? 

Well the first answer is our costs have gone up, significantly. We paid $600 for our single weekend rental of Common Ground in 2012. We paid twice that $1,200, for a single weekend at Sonorous Road. Our venue costs have gone up 100%, and venue costs are the number one line item in a show's budget. We also are putting more money into the set, costumes, and design. Not a LOT more, but we have made a conscious decision to spend more on our set to get it right. We sweat the details more. Of course, we still could not do this show without the generous contribution and help of other theatres letting us borrow (or rent at very low rates) furniture, props, flats, etc, but keep in mind, the only set pieces for Copenhagen were three chairs. This set requires a lot more money than that:

The set of Blackbird consists of a bit more than 3 chairs. Photo by Areon Mobasher

But the main reason is very simple: this show is worth it. I don't like to make comparisons when it comes to art, but I feel comfortable saying that this production is among the very best theatrical presentations in the triangle. I would put this up there with every production in last year's top ten according to the INDY (including our own Time Stands Still). Tickets for touring shows at DPAC start at $30 (plus fees) and go up from there. Tickets for Playmakers start at $15 if you want to sit in the corner, but seats comparable to our performance will cost you $57 (again, plus fees). Tickets to Theatre Raleigh are $30. Even tickets to Raleigh Little Theatre run $24 general admission. 

This show is every bit as good as anything you will see on those stages, and probably better (in my admittedly biased opinion). This is a chance to see a show of incredible quality at a price that is cheap by local standards. Is it more expensive than a movie? Sure. But it costs more per seat to produce. And it is worth it. If you value theatre, if you think it is a worthy medium, if you think it should matter, come see this show. You will not be disappointed. 

PS - if you are concerned about price, there are still opportunities to see the show for FREE. Sign up to volunteer by clicking here!

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