Thursday, June 5, 2014

Coming Soon...

If you come here regularly (and you probably don't) you will have noticed a new look to the website. We've moved out the Seascape background and the Seascape show logo is back in the "Past Productions" area. The look now is... different yes?

This isn't the final look for our next show. Daniel Ira McCord, our wonderful graphic design friend, has agreed to help us again to produce a poster/look for our 2015 production. When we make a formal announcement we'll adjust the look and feel to match his art. But for now I wanted to give you maybe a bit of a flavor for what's coming. Southstream's Facebook wall has changed too.

We DO have the rights for our next play, but I'm holding off on a formal announcement until we have our cast in place, but it's coming soon, so stay tuned.

Announcing the Cast of King Lear!

Citizens of Earth, South Stream Productions is proud to present it's cast for King Lear! King Lear - Julie Oliver Goneril - Maggie Lea R...